Hello there, and welcome to my first post here at A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy.
Alright, celebration over! Now for some news, and some annoying things that have been on my mind.
... there are a couple of things that have been REALLY annoying me lately and, being my blog and all, I'm going to go ahead and use this opportunity to complain about them.
Fistly, concerning my Love/Hate relationship with my Games Workshop wargaming hobby... I need a break from it... but I can't seem to stop picking up my books, making army lists and planning new projects. I really need to get out any actually play some games once in a while, and enjoy my hobby, or just hang it up for a bit, but I haven't been able to do either of those things lately and it sucks! I'm stuck in this crazy hobby limbo into which the light of freedom will never shine! The simple fact of the matter is that if I can play some games, I'll be inspired to finish some of the projects I've been working on, and make a few army or squad sales on Ebay. If I don't get the play games, my hobby will die for a little while like it did when I was working for Games Workshop last year. I'm in dangerous waters. Here there be monsters!
Secondly, speaking of Monsters... Monster energy drink is fantastic. Sure, it's full of artificial crap, and I'm probably losing a day off my life for every can I drink, but damn if it's not great stuff. Today for example, I didn't sleep all that well and would have been dragging through the day. Luckily, however, I had time to stop and get a Monster before work and now I'm upbeat, have a positive attitude, and am full of energy. My question concerning Monster, though, is this; Is this actually the effect that Monster is supposed to have, or is it all a big fat placebo? Hmm... they're really bad for you, but I don't care. They make me feel awesome, and with them I'm able to keep up with my kids and still have energy to enjoy myself after they go to sleep for the night, and for that reason I'm going to keep drinking them. Some of you will tell me "they're not good for you, you're poisoning yourself!" That might be true... but at least I'm not becoming an alchoholic.
So um... that's pretty much all for the first entry here. Exciting, wasn't it? You're all inside my mind now, and you're never getting out. It's a vile, twisting maze of anarchy and curses, with crazy mirrors and trap doors leading to alternate dimensions where vicious, rabbid dream-creatures stalk the hallways. Stick with me though! I've got all the weapons and ammunition. But if you think you can go it alone in here, be my guests...
Stay tuned for the next post - same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.
~Mr Bad Guy~
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